Wednesday 28 May 2014

Cross Crountry

It was the day, the day we have been preparing for.When the six whanau houses run to make their houses proud.

I watched with my enormous, light brown eyes as the others pass me.As I was running up the dirty,green hill it felt like it was never going to end.Then suddenly I hear a big booming noise that said "looks like we have our first place, she's got yellow ribbon in her hair" The loud booming sound said.

 When i was running up the green hill for my last lap I was sweating like a pink pig.My heart was racing as fast as Usain bolt.Then when i got my last mark I thought I wasn't going to come anything,Ahhhh"I yelled as Mrs Graham stuck a sticky note on my T-shirt and said good job i looked down at the yellow sticky note and was surprised that I actually came something.

I puffed my way to where Mrs Bues was sitting and was wondering how I came Ninth when I only ran half way the course.But I was happy because i could get some points for my whanau house.


Sunday 25 May 2014

The Garden Scene

I was sitting at the horizon of the chocolaty coloured steps, listening to something that sounded like buzzy bees buzzing.

Then suddenly I felt warm water dripping down the side of my petite, tanned face. “I'm sweating like a bright pink puaa” I whispered to one of my friends.

“Squee……..squee” the old, rusty curtain squeed as it drew further apart.I looked down at the blazing, and sparkly eyes of the audience.My heart was racing as fast as Usain bolt.
I gazed my enormous, light brown eyes as young Kafoloto acts as Jesus with her three heroic disciples who can’t keep their looking balls open.

Then finally the time has come for me to march on stage acting as one of the daring guards who takes Jesus away to the high priest.

“1…..2…..3 lets go” Charlene whispered to Vea and I.

And that is where it all finished.